I bet Chiquita’s head hurts

Constantly carrying a bowl of fruit on top of your head would cause some major stress to your neck muscles.

In other news I slept very weird last night. I was restless and apparently I cursed in my sleep. I woke up thinking today was Friday and was excited for all of five minutes before realizing I still had another day before the weekend can start. My brain is being weird lately.

In other other news I found something completely adorable in my garden this week. A nest of baby bunnies was made underneath my lettuce row. I stopped harvesting my lettuce a few weeks ago and was just letting it grow wild. Peter cottontail and kids are very happy with their leafy canopy.

In other other other news I’ve been able to hang out with my friend visiting from the UK. We’ve done some shopping and had dinner together. It’s so great seeing her again!

Happy Thursday everyone!