Spring break 2019

So since I had to work every day of my son’s spring break I decided on my one day off we would go do something special. I took him to the COSI museum in Columbus. We had an absolute blast. We saw dragons, unicorns, mermaids. We toured the dinosaur exhibit. We played around in the gadget café doing lots of fun science experiments.

If you live in Ohio I definitely recommend checking it out with your kiddos at least once.

Here’s a link to their website if you want to check it out:



White dress update


Things that have happened this past week:

*Mailed the very last of our invitations (my hand’s not cramped from writing amazingly)

*Got my future husband’s wedding band (may need to get resized)

*Ordered and paid the deposit on our desserts for our wedding (hooray for buffet style sweets)

*Made a homemade banana cream pie cheesecake (it was absolutely delicious)

*Started on my wedding bouquet stuff

*Started alterations on my wedding dress

*Coached my son into getting A’s for his last two oral speeches (Props to Karter for working so hard)

*Cooked more dinners at home

*Have been taking Zumba again

*Got rid of our cable service because it’s was getting way too expensive (yay for saving money)


Even my cells aren’t normal

I got some rather disturbing news on Monday. My latest test at the doctor they discovered abnormal cells. When I got the results it felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. Like an enormous weight just settled onto my chest. My brain started overthinking at alarming speeds. Abnormal is an awful word in the medical field. It means more testing. It can also mean a number of things but the number one thing that pops up first in the list of negative things, is what if it’s cancer?

Getting bad news on the first day of the week should not be allowed. I feel like I have this giant cloud over my head now. It’s not always looming but it’s there. I have to get a biopsy to see what exactly is going on. I have to wait until April to get the biopsy because that was the next available date from my doctor. The waiting is what makes it so hard. The no knowing how or if this is going to be a serious upset in my life. It could be nothing and everything be hunky dory. Here’s hoping that it is nothing. Until then please send me good thoughts, good vibes, whatever you believe in.

The dirty dozen

As in I’ve lost twelve whole pounds now!!!

I was started to feel somewhat discouraged again because I seemed to be stuck between losing ten to eleven pounds. I stayed on course however and now I’m even closer to my goal of losing fifteen total pounds.

Hard work can really pay off, if you find something that works for you stick with it. Don’t give up if you get a little stuck in one area. You can always tweak it to better suit your weight loss plan. Whether it’s the diet that may need tweaking, or maybe you need to find a workout you can be more passionate about doing something is better than moping about that you’ll never lose the weight you want to. Be kinder to yourself.

Burn after writing

So I picked up this writing prompt book yesterday. It’s actually called Burn After Writing. It’s meant to be a private confessional type thing where you can write about things and then discard afterwards. I decided to do the journey but share it. Now I’m not going to be doing this everyday but I figured when I was stuck in a rut I would pull it out and flip through randomly and do a page here and there. Or I might make it a once a week feature until I’ve finished the book. I haven’t decided yet.  Here’s the page I’m doing:

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

For me it was this past year in June, riding an airplane. I’d never flown before and was extremely nervous when taking off. We didn’t have any connecting flights so it was nice to just be on one plane versus getting off and boarding more than one before reaching our destination. How about you? When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Don’t just walk the path. Blaze the trail

But don’t get caught holding the matches. And don’t start a fire. That’s bad unless you’re camping and need to make s’mores. I’m losing my train of thought…Oh yeah here it is:

I’m finally doing day six of my six day stretch at work which means tomorrow is my day off.  I can see the light at the end of this long work stretch tunnel lol. Which also means I need all the good positive things to help me get through the day today. I’m going to share all these positive things with you. In case you need them too.

See the source image

My thoughts have been anxious lately. I fell down the what-if rabbit hole the other day and I need to not do that. I’m focusing on changing my thoughts so my world will become less anxious to me.

See the source image

LOVE THIS QUOTE! I’ve never thought of my falling like this. I always thought of it in a negative light. Focusing so much on the fact that I fell rather than the fact that I got up again. I rose again and again.

See the source image

I want to attract the good vibes, the good people and the good love. I think most of us do.


The whisper of your soul

As of lately you’ve been floating on my thoughts

Haunting me with the idea of what could have been

We never seemed to line up quite right

I bet we could’ve worked it out if you only said when


There’s no denying we could speak deeply

About silly and serious things

Our paths weren’t made to walk forward

All the memories your smile brings


If it was meant to be it would

To work out and be true

Everything has it’s time and season

In moments like these I miss you

If I ever go missing make sure to put my picture on wine bottles. I’ll probably be found quicker that way

Hello strangers! I’ve been very absent lately and for that I apologize. Life got hectic, not a good excuse. Let me recap what’s been going on:

My schedule has gotten very busy lately with work. I’m on a rotating schedule now and every other week I work six days straight. SIX DAYS. Haha okay it’s not that bad but sometimes by the end of the six day stretch I can feel my sanity slipping just a little bit.

The fiancé and I both got hit with a super nasty stomach virus. Ugh it was awful, do not recommend it at all. It was like three full days before I could even really eat food again. I was also severely dehydrated and needed an IV. Again can I just say yuck.

We got my wedding band purchased, and we are looking at wedding bands for him. We also have like eighty something days now until our wedding. How did that creep up so fast?!?!

I’m trying to be a better writer. Toodles for now