Until I wear my ring again

So my engagement ring is currently off my finger and I feel so naked! Haha

It’s being combined with my wedding band and I’ll get to finally wear again next weekend. I literally only take it off if I’m gardening or showering. I even sleep with it on so not having it right now is very strange for me.

It’s so crazy to think that all this planning is finally coming to an end. All the crazy scheduling with vendors, venues, etc. And at the end of it all I get to marry my very best friend. I can not wait!

Prego sauce

Bump update for the week:

  • Have been having some more nausea
  • Taken some incredible power naps. Sometimes it’s fifteen minutes sometimes it’s like a half hour nap. It’s like nap roulette.
  • I’ve had two incredibly weird/funny pregnancy dreams already. In one dream I yelled at Ben and told him his chest was useless (hahaha). In another dream we were at our first baby appointment and the doctor told us we were having twins. I responded “shut the front door”
  • No real weight gain yet
  • I have a new super power of being able to fall asleep faster. However I don’t stay asleep through the night or anything (potty breaks ya know)

Butter on a biscuit

It’s National Buttermilk Biscuit day!

Cover it with butter. Smother it with gravy. Serve it on the side with some Chicken Pot Pie. Here’s some interesting things you may or may not know about this delicious bread item:

  • Biscuits are made using baking powder or baking soda as a leavening agent rather than yeast
  • A typical buttermilk biscuit recipe contains flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, butter, and buttermilk.
  • Before the American Civil War, biscuits emerged as an inexpensive addition to meals.
  • Alexander P. Ashbourne patented the first biscuit cutter in 1875
  • In 1931, Ballard and Ballard patented refrigerator biscuits.

What’s your favorite way to enjoy the biscuit?

Weekend Wrap Up

Happy Friday everyone!

It’s full blown allergy hell in Ohio right now. Pollen count is so high that it set off a weather alert on my phone the other day. Moving on to plans for the weekend.

Saturday we are doing a birthday lunch for my nephew who recently turned one! Saturday night my friends and I are taking Karter to go see Detective Pikachu on the big screen.

Sunday is Mother’s Day so we will be visiting my mom and probably Ben’s to share our happy baby news!

What plans do you have for the weekend?


When I was pregnant with my son I don’t really remember getting craving until at least the second trimester or so. Everything about this pregnancy is so different though. What I suddenly find myself wanting to eat for instance. With Karter I wanted salty, savory type things. So far my number one craving has been for peaches. Not sure why because it’s not even one of my favorite fruits.

Till next time folks

BBQ Chicken with cheesy Broccoli

Tasty Tuesday edition on a Friday. Made a pretty delicious meal the other night. BBQ Chicken and a cheesy Broccoli. Here’s what you will need:

2 or 3 Chicken Breast (boneless)

Baking sheet

Tin foil

2 Heads of Broccoli

2 Tbsp Shredded Cheddar

1 1/2 Tbsp Parmesan Cheese

Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce

Fried Onion Topping

1 Tbsp Olive Oil


  1. Preheat over to 425 degrees. Cut up broccoli into bite size pieces. Pat chicken dry and season with a little salt or pepper if desired. (I used a BBQ seasoning). Line a baking sheet with tin foil.
  2. Mix the broccoli with olive oil and Parmesan Cheese. Spread this out on one half of the baking pan. Top the broccoli with shredded cheddar. Place chicken on other half of baking pan.
  3. Place everything in the oven for 18-20 min. Make sure the chicken is cooked all the way through.
  4. Top chicken with BBQ sauce and a pinch of fried onion topping. Enjoy!

Grandma times two

I finally got to tell my mom the exciting news in person over the weekend. Karter played hangman with her. The first word he spelled out was brother and it went right over mom’s head haha. Then he spelled out the word pregnant. Mom got it that time around. There was a lot of laughing and hugging. Good feelings all around.

My three year old niece said I’m having a girl.

Right now I’m about five weeks along. So the baby is about the size of an apple seed. I’m not feeling too bad lately at all. There hasn’t been much morning sickness (knock on wood). I definitely notice that I get tired easier. I’m not really showing or gaining weight yet. I thought I would start showing earlier with it being baby number two. I’m excited to keep sharing bump updates with you all.