You’re allowed to go missing sometimes…

Especially after you’ve had a baby like me 🙂

I’ve been horrible about writing anything lately. In total honesty though I had a lot going on. Four days after my last post I finally had my baby!

Let me tell you it was a whirlwind of a day. Labor with my first son lasted FOREVER (at least that’s what it felt like). With my youngest son however it happened so fast I almost feel like I’m still processing a lot of it. I will write his birth story/post up in a different post.

With any typical newborn we’re getting less sleep and adjusting back into the daily life routines. My husband had to go back to work yesterday, I have to go back next week (ugh). My writing may be a little scattered here and there so bare with me


So close to four…

Well it’s almost time for me to leave for my OB appointment. It’s supposed to be my last one because we’re going to be discussing induction.

There’s a lot of controversy about getting induced. Some people are very against it, some people are gung ho. I’m not just rushing into anything. I’ll be discussing everything with my doctor. We will make sure it’s the right decision for not only me but also my baby who’s getting ready to join our family.

To clarify inducing usually isn’t something that is even considered until you’re past your due date or unless your doctor has other concerns. It also isn’t something they will do unless you are at least 37 weeks along to make sure the baby is fully developed.

One thing for sure is you never really can plan 100% the way you want things to go. So birth plans can and will change so I’m going to trust that my doctor and try not to stress too much about it. Toodles for now

It’s almost GO TIME for baby and I’m horribly impatient

I promise I didn’t mean to leave you all hanging for so long. It’s been a mess. Especially in my life lately. Let me catch you up

November 29: Having contractions at work, go upstairs to be monitored. Walk around for an hour. Get checked and we’re dilated 1 whole cm. Wahoo! Walk around for two more hours and no changes. Bummer. Get discharged. Go home. Walk around neighborhood, walk the track with husband. Contractions come back fierce, two minutes apart, hard to walk, we think it’s GO TIME

Get to the hospital and get admitted overnight. Despite having contractions all night long on and off. NOTHING CHANGES. Sigh. Get discharged again early next morning

November 30: Get discharged from the hospital. Instead of working the next six days that was previously scheduled, gets put on FMLA early. Probably a good thing because I wasn’t really feeling like dealing with people including my overly pregnant self

December 1: It’s my birthday but I literally don’t feel like doing a damn thing. I’m tired, swollen and I just want to have this baby already

Fast forward to December 5: I’ve had to deal with work being straight dumb about FMLA, filling for Short term Disability, feeling useless, exceptional amounts of stress. It’s baby appointment day. Currently 37 weeks and the only thing that’s changed is I lost 6 pounds. Still no progress. I cried the whole way home. Hormones stink

Fast forward again to today December 12: Had another OB appointment yesterday. Officially 38 weeks now. STILL NO PROGRESS! In happy news though on Monday (last OB appointment) I get to schedule being induced. Hallelujah! It’s a light at the end of my uncomfortable tunnel

In four short weeks

Or less…I will be becoming a mom a second time over. I really hope we end up delivering before Christmas but babies like to come on their own time. I have an OBGYN appointment later today which is the first on my weekly appointments now that we’re in this final stretch.

Such an amazing blessing we’re waiting very impatiently to get. I would be lying to you if I said I wasn’t looking up ways to induce labor naturally last night. Mamma is more than just a little uncomfortable. I know most of these are just old wives tells or myths. They’ve all been tried at least one time by someone though, just not me. I haven’t quite reached the full stage of “get this out of me” yet.

One thing I’ve been trying without even realizing it was thing is eating pineapple. A lot of online characters swear that eating pineapple not only sent them into labor but really helped with the delivery. I’ve honestly been eating a lot of it lately just because that’s what I’m craving. So far all I’ve noticed is a slight increase in contractions but my contractions are also pretty far apart still.

I know I’m ready to have this baby now at any point. I’ll post an update on how my appointment went later. Toodles

3 hour sweetness test

So as I mentioned before I failed my one hour glucose test and had to take a three hour one. I’m going to tell you about that, parts may come off as slightly *cough* dramatic. It’s because I was super hungry and tired.

I started to fast right after dinner. Morning of my head just feels super weird and all I want to do is sleep. I got up at least seven times the night before the test. Partly due to the obligation of having to empty my bladder and partly because my anxiety was not letting me sleep.

So they take your fasting level when you first get there and make you drink the dreaded drink of awfulness. I know I said it before but this drink is the worst for me. I actually used to like the taste of orange crush but my glucose tests now and in the past have ruined that for me. Anyways, after drinking the sugary sweet stuff you wait an hour to have your first draw.

The first hour is hard. At least for me, maybe you’ve had the test and never had a hint of an issue. Lucky beach. I always feel like I’m going to get sick which would be an automatic fail and I would have to take the whole test over again. So it’s basically a whole hour of fighting some pretty severe nausea. Also I was so exhausted that I feel asleep in the waiting room. Probably scared some other patients, who knows.

Made it through the first hour. Whew. Second hour, someone who smells awful sits next to me in waiting room. I’m talking BO, dirty litter box, and I can’t even identify the other horrid odor type of smell. My stomach starts to roll and I move away.

Second hour down, so now it’s just one more hour. Just one more blood draw and I can be done. Why is time going so slow? Did the minute hand on the clock just move backwards?

At last! I am free of the waiting room and just have to wait for my results.

P.S I passed the damn test this time

Being too sweet isn’t as great as it sounds

Baby bump update time

Yesterday I had my one hour sugar test. If you’re unfamiliar with what that is, you basically have to drink a disgustingly sweet drink wait an hour and have your blood drawn. This is how they check to see if you have gestational diabetes.

The drink is like an orange Hi-C flavor but one that’s been mixed up with so much sugar it basically makes your stomach feel queasy instantly. Another comparison is flat Orange Crush that’s been sitting in a humid area for three hours. Or maybe it’s just me that’s feels that way about the drink, I don’t know. Oh yeah you only get five minutes to drink the bottle. Also if you throw up you have to take the test AGAIN.

I failed my first test and my sugar came back as being higher than it was supposed to be. Now I have to take a three hour test. THREE HOUR. I’m not looking forward to it. The difference with this test is I have to fast for over twelve hours, get my blood drawn to see what my fasting levels look like, drink the same nasty drink and then I have to get my blood drawn every hour. So three different times over the course of three hours. If I fail my three hour test then it’s a whole other mess of things to deal with. I’m really hoping I don’t fail and failing the one hour test was just a fluke.

I’ve gained about 23 pounds which is healthy weight gain. My baby is still doing great. Still moving around like he’s supposed to. His heart rate is great too. Getting down to the final seven weeks or so and then he’ll be here!!

It’s crunch time but I can’t do crunches

Because I’m over seven and a half months pregnant now!

We finally got my oldest moved upstairs into his newly done room. That was a huge weight of the shoulders. Now we can work on putting the nursery together.

I’m feeling pretty tired lately to be honest. I walk around six to seven miles a day at work and then don’t sleep very well at night so it’s starting to wear me out. Baby is doing really well. He’s dropped down into position. We have about two and a half months and he should be here.

Seems kinda surreal. Like pregnancy feels like it takes forever and then starts flying by when it’s so close to the end. My appetite goes through some weird changes. I won’t be hungry for a few hours then I want to eat everything all of a sudden.

I do the waddle walk now pretty much. I try to tell myself it’s pregnancy swagger to feel better about it

I’m either pregnant or growing a pumpkin

Holy crap

I have around 11 weeks or so left now and then I’ll be having my baby!! Wow is this coming up fast. In the beginning you feel like the pregnancy is going to take FOREVER and in a way it kinda does.

The beginning starts out so small where you maybe barely have any symptoms at all. Then the closer to the end you may end up feeling all sorts of things

I feel the little man moving pretty much every day. Sometimes it’s almost all day long of him moving, sometimes he’s just really more active at night. I’ve definitely developed the pregnancy waddle/swagger.

Eating habits have been stranger lately too. I’m either not super hungry or I feel like I want to eat an entire kitchen cabinet’s worth of food and snacks.

Sleeping is pretty rough not going to lie. I either sleep really well maybe getting up once to pee or I’m up three plus times and restless with crazy pregnancy dreams lol

Baby is about the size of an acorn squash/head of cauliflower. Weight wise baby is now around 4 pounds.

I’m having my OB appointments every two weeks now. Soon it will be weekly visits until I have the baby. That’s all the new stuff on the baby front for now

Confessions of a pregnant sassy mama

During pregnancy it never ceases to amaze me at questions people will ask you or say to you. Sometimes it’s coming from someone you know and other times a complete stranger will question you too. So if it’s your first pregnancy be prepared to answer some questions. Some are rude, most are well meaning.

Another thing I’ve noticed is some people will want to touch your pregnant belly without asking so be prepared for that as well. I’m composing a list of things I’ve been asked both in my last pregnancy and in this one.

  • Are you going to have any more after this one? (Can I maybe finish having the one I’m currently carrying first lol)
  • When are you due? (I get asked this A LOT. Sometimes more than once from the same person who either has the world’s worst memory or honestly forgets what I told them the last time haha)
  • What are you having? (Most of the time I give the honest answer of I don’t know before ultrasound and after ultrasound then I’ll say the gender. Sometimes I feel like saying velociraptor or something equally crazy if I’ve been asked the question a lot that day)

Will add some more later ❤


Things you shouldn’t say to a pregnant person

  1. You look really pregnant today. (I look pregnant every day especially now that I’m showing. I feel like you’re implying I’m very large and I’m not even at the end of this pregnancy yet)
  2. You should name your baby (insert opinion here). If we’re bouncing ideas off each other about names great if not then please don’t tell me what I should or should not name my child
  3. You look really tired. (Probably do because I’m waking up to pee a lot in the middle of the night and certain positions are no longer comfortable to sleep in)
  4. You look like you don’t feel well. (Maybe I was feeling pretty good about myself and then you burst my little bubble)
  5. Are you sure you’re having a boy/girl? (I think you’re really having boy/girl. Yes I’m quite sure my doctor who went to medical school can tell what my baby actually is. That and the two ultrasounds I’ve had so far which clearly indicates I’m having a boy)
  6. I don’t really like that name (when I finally do pick out a baby’s name)
  7. Are you due this month?!? (try rephrasing that to when are you due)
  8. You still haven’t had that baby yet? (Oh I actually did and stuffed a ball under my shirt to throw you off *rolls eyes*)
  9. Should you be doing (insert task here)? Unless I’ve been advised otherwise I don’t see why not
  10. Not really a something you should say but please don’t rub my belly if I don’t know you. It’s super awkward for me and weird