Shepherd’s Pie

I missed my recipe post yesterday so I figured I would post it today. Last night we had Bison Pie for dinner. Think Shepherds but instead of using hamburger we made it with bison meat. Quite tasty if I do say so myself. Here’s the recipe:

1 lb of hamburger (We used bison this time)

1/4 tsp of olive oil (Last night I used my Wild Mushroom oil)

Various spices (I like Oregano, Basil and Thyme and used a couple shakes of each)

1 Can of sweet corn

1/4 cup shredded cheese (I used cheddar)

Mashed potatoes (homemade or instant)


  1. Cook the hamburger in a large skillet with the olive oil. Season the meat while it’s cooking. I like to cook over a medium heat so it’s not cooking too fast.
  2. Drain your meat after it’s reached a nice brown color
  3. Add your can of corn to your skillet. Turn heat to a simmer
  4. Start making your potatoes
  5. After the corn has been heated I add the cheese to the skillet (I do not stir it in, I let it melt) and remove the skillet from the heat

Once the potatoes are done I take a spoonful on a plate and top with the hamburger, corn and cheese. Voila. Easy, quick and delicious.

*The picture shows this with peas and carrots which you can also use


Fox in socks

At my son’s school this week they’ve been celebrating Dr. Seuss week. For Monday they got to wear their favorite hat, yesterday they got to bring their favorite stuffed animal to school and today is Wacky Wednesday. Where they get to dress all crazy. I feel like it’s a wacky Wednesday.

In my head it’s already Thursday. I know it doesn’t make any sense but my brain has been a day ahead all week. Maybe I’m just mentally rushing towards the weekend hahaha. He’s reading the rhyming books this week and we are having so much fun with it. Not sarcasm, I do like reading Dr. Seuss it’s a challenge for your tongue.

One of my favorites is I do not like Green Eggs and Ham and of course Fox in Socks. What is your favorite Seuss book?

Winning the Gold

If ______________ was an Olympic sport I would win the gold medal. I thought this would be a fun thing to write about. There are many things that come to mind about myself, my friends and my family. Take the sentence and fill it in for  yourself and others. I’ll start.

If reading was an Olympic sport I would win the gold medal or at the very least the silver

If napping cats were an Olympic sport I seriously feel like our cat Pumpkin could wind up in the top three finalists.

If taking pictures were an Olympic sport one of my closest friends has more pictures than I’ve ever seen so she could be a shoo in.

If fishing was an Olympic sport my boyfriend would probably train and participate.

If there was an Olympics for asking questions I feel like everyone’s kids could participate. haha

Once upon a time…

There was a day dedicated to telling a fairy tale. That day is today my friends. It’s national tell a fairy tale day. A day for a classic story or a day to invent one. Here’s the truths and the tales:

  • The origins of most fairy tales were unseemly and were told as a way to make children behave (My dad used to tell me and my brother he got in a fight with a bear and we believed it for a couple of years)
  • The brothers Grimm collected and published some of the more well-known tales we are familiar with today(I actually own a collection of their stories that has been passed down for three generations in my family)
  • Grimm’s fairy tales are written in a darker tone. Authors like Hans Christian Andersen wrote much warmer children’s tales

So go and write a story. Maybe put your own twist on a classic. Maybe write an entirely new story. Here’s a list of my favorite fairy tales out of the Grimm”s fairy tale book:

  1. Snow White
  2. The Seven Ravens
  3. The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs
  4. King Thrushbeard
  5. The Three Feathers
  6. Water of Life
  7. One-Eye, Two-Eyes and Three-Eyes
  8. The Straw, the Coal and the Bean
  9. Iron Henry
  10. Rapunzel

Where is the Love?

What ever happened to the value of humanity? It seems like all you see on the news is bad news. Lately with all the craziness going on I feel like there is a song playing on repeat in my head. Where is the Love?- by The Black Eyed Peas

I feel like the lyrics are speaking to me. I feel like the lyrics should be speaking to us all. This is part of the song is speaking the loudest right now:

Whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness and equality
Instead of spreading love we’re spreading animosity
Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity


Here’s a link to the full lyrics. Read them, I feel like it’s something we can all relate to and reflect on.

*I do not own the rights to any lyrics or music

Pay your dues

Taxes. Let’s be honest it’s not most people’s favorite thing to do. Last night we had a conversation about taxes that went like this:

Me- I’m going to make our tax appointment tomorrow during my lunch hour so we can go get it done.

Ben- Okay that sounds good

Karter- I want to come

Ben- You don’t even pay taxes, why would you come?

Karter- I would love to pay taxes!!

I seriously laughed so hard. Childhood innocence is so adorable sometimes. Taxes are not fun but in their heads it sounds like it would be I guess haha

Drinks with Jimmy Buffett

I know you can hear my blender whirring from another room. Making margaritas over here (oh how I wish I really was). Today is national Margarita day! I feel like if you’re working your job should provide the alcohol after all the job is probably the reason you drink anyways (haha…kidding…kinda). Here’s the facts and fiction:

  • Known to be the most common tequila-based cocktail served in the United States, the margarita is a cocktail that consists of tequila, triple sec and lime or lemon juice. (Rumor is the origin started in Mexico)
  • When margaritas are made with lemons, they have a much softer taste.(Now you know what to do with the lemons life gave you)
  • Margaritas can be served on the rocks (shaken with ice), frozen (blended with ice), or straight up (without ice). I personally prefer frozen and I’m partial to raspberry flavored
  • The margarita was further popularized with the 1977 release of Jimmy Buffett’s song “Margaritaville”.(His margaritas are rimmed with rainbow dust and awesomeness)


Go have a drink on me, we’re celebrating today and post number 160!

Parrots Pick Pockets

There is a local pet store near where I live. I believe that’s just the cover though. On the outside they advertise getting a pet on the inside however it’s a well trained robbery ring. They are training the parrots to pick your pockets. Believe me you read that last sentence right. Beautiful feathers and sneaky little thieves.

We went there over the weekend and uncovered the dark secret of the place. I picked up a parrot let’s call him Pedro. Pedro promptly made his way down to my watch and opened it up where it fell off my wrist. Then Pedro moved to my purse and opened the zipper! They lure you in with pretty colors and steal your things. He didn’t really steal from me but I told my boyfriend I think there is an untapped market for trained pick pocketer parrots.


PS I actually took this photo. I finally learned how to get it onto my blog.