Oh my quad

Week four of eating like a rabbit and running like a cheetah. Well not a cheetah because those guys are like super fast and I run at more of chubby house cat pace.

So eating healthy can prove to be a challenge when the healthy stuff is getting recalled. Our local grocery store had a lettuce/salad mix recall because some salmonella was found. Yuck! Normally I have been packing a salad every day for lunch but that outbreak made me switch up my routine a little.

Despite the fact of giving in to my cravings once *cough* okay more than once, I stayed under my allowed calories every day this week. I’m still cycling every day but I’m looking to add some more exercise into the mix. Once I get my shoulder situated I plan on starting up weights again. Maybe I’ll do a squat challenge or something. Routines can be important to help you stick with something but it’s nice to mix it up a little too.

Weigh in this morning and I’ve lost 4.5 lbs now! That’s another pound and a half from last week. Stayed tuned

Author: hallowfox

My name is Rachel and I have a chocolate addiction yet smell like cheesecake. I’m not usually one that fits into any particular shape or mold. I’m a mother, animal lover (I might be obsessed with foxes) My hair has it's own personality and my fair complexion along with face sprinkles point to an Irish heritage. *all pictures are from google searches unless indicated otherwise.

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