Roses on a wristwatch

For some reason time is on my mind this morning. I dreamed about ticking clocks last night. Great big ones that all had different times on them. Some were still ticking, some had stopped. I wrote a poem about it

Roses on a wristwatch

Sixty seconds around the clock

Moments are passing by

Tick tock, tick tock

Moments to laugh, moments to cry

We say if flew or that the day is too long

We wish for more of it

We always need more when something is wrong

What you’ve been given is all you will get



Author: hallowfox

My name is Rachel and I have a chocolate addiction yet smell like cheesecake. I’m not usually one that fits into any particular shape or mold. I’m a mother, animal lover (I might be obsessed with foxes) My hair has it's own personality and my fair complexion along with face sprinkles point to an Irish heritage. *all pictures are from google searches unless indicated otherwise.

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