Space wants to have a party

So they planet.

Today is national tell a joke day. Here’s some giggles about the day:

  • Jokes have been a part of human culture since at least 1900 BC. (surely there was humor before that just no way of recording it)
  • There’s one-liners and knock-knocks (just don’t knock on a door)

Here’s some good ones:

Image result for jokes  Image result for jokes

Image result for jokes  Image result for pun jokes


What’s a good joke you’ve heard? Does your kid have a favorite one to tell?

Author: hallowfox

My name is Rachel and I have a chocolate addiction yet smell like cheesecake. I’m not usually one that fits into any particular shape or mold. I’m a mother, animal lover (I might be obsessed with foxes) My hair has it's own personality and my fair complexion along with face sprinkles point to an Irish heritage. *all pictures are from google searches unless indicated otherwise.

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