Space wants to have a party

So they planet.

Today is national tell a joke day. Here’s some giggles about the day:

  • Jokes have been a part of human culture since at least 1900 BC. (surely there was humor before that just no way of recording it)
  • There’s one-liners and knock-knocks (just don’t knock on a door)

Here’s some good ones:

Image result for jokes  Image result for jokes

Image result for jokes  Image result for pun jokes


What’s a good joke you’ve heard? Does your kid have a favorite one to tell?

Roses on a wristwatch

For some reason time is on my mind this morning. I dreamed about ticking clocks last night. Great big ones that all had different times on them. Some were still ticking, some had stopped. I wrote a poem about it

Roses on a wristwatch

Sixty seconds around the clock

Moments are passing by

Tick tock, tick tock

Moments to laugh, moments to cry

We say if flew or that the day is too long

We wish for more of it

We always need more when something is wrong

What you’ve been given is all you will get



She doesn’t even go here!

Over the weekend we got one of my girlfriend’s to watch Mean Girls for the first time. It was very entertaining watching her reactions to the movie and realizing how many one liners come from just that movie. I’m going to share some of my favorites with you all.

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My hair is big but I’m pretty sure it’s not hiding any secrets

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I break this rule every Wednesday. I’m a rebel

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No she doesn’t

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How all my friends introduce me

Do you have a favorite line from the movie?


Check meowt now

Week five of extra fries. I meant exercise. This week I didn’t get quite as many workouts in. I got my Monday night class in. I do an hour of Zumba, some people don’t think that counts as a workout. To those people I scoff because my instructor has me sweating every single class. It’s great cardio, fun music and a great support group for people to workout in a safe place without judgement.

I’ve been good about upping my water intake. Eating a lot more veggies this week. I’m still cycling in the evenings. Despite having a weird week of sleep, I’m still having a little more energy during my day. Admittedly mornings have been slightly harder waking up lately but once I’m an hour or so into the day I feel like I have more energy.

I’ve hit a first big goal. I’ve officially lost my first five pounds. They say that can be the hardest because it’s easy to slip back into to weight gaining habits around that mark. I’m determined to keep going. I’m determined to get healthier for myself.

I bet Chiquita’s head hurts

Constantly carrying a bowl of fruit on top of your head would cause some major stress to your neck muscles.

In other news I slept very weird last night. I was restless and apparently I cursed in my sleep. I woke up thinking today was Friday and was excited for all of five minutes before realizing I still had another day before the weekend can start. My brain is being weird lately.

In other other news I found something completely adorable in my garden this week. A nest of baby bunnies was made underneath my lettuce row. I stopped harvesting my lettuce a few weeks ago and was just letting it grow wild. Peter cottontail and kids are very happy with their leafy canopy.

In other other other news I’ve been able to hang out with my friend visiting from the UK. We’ve done some shopping and had dinner together. It’s so great seeing her again!

Happy Thursday everyone!

Greenback George

The very first president with wooden teeth and a knack chopping down cherry trees has his face on every dollar bill except the first one. It’s National Dollar Day, and you should have at least one of these bills in your wallet to go and celebrate.

  • The first U.S. dollar bill wasn’t printed until 1862, and it didn’t bear the image of George Washington, either.  Salmon P. Chase, President Lincoln’s Secretary of Treasury, was featured on the first greenback.

There are very few things out there that cost just a dollar. Unless you are shopping at the Dollar Tree. Everything in that place is $1 or under. What is the last thing you bought for just one dollar?


I miss my mattress

It’s not even 8 am and I want to take a nap. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve been having a lot more energy lately with working out and eating healthy. This morning though I feel like I hit a wall. An exhaustion wall. I’ve had coffee and the fog has yet to lift from my brain. Last week towards the end of the week I felt like I could tackle a bear. This morning the only thing I would have the energy to tackle is my mattress.

I feel like I’m struggling to pass myself off as human so far. I know I’ll be more functioning in about 15 minutes. It was definitely slow goings this AM.What are things you like to do to boost your energy level?

Update: I’ve had some more coffee….now I have a few jitters and want to run a few laps around my office building. Apparently I can’t find a happy medium between being tired and having enough energy to bounce higher than a kangaroo. Let’s go Tigger we can have a bouncing contest.

Extend a hand

Practice kindness.

It’s a simple statement right? So why is it so hard to follow through? It’s like we are quicker to be impatient, quicker to anger. I’m guilty of it, you have probably been guilty of it yourself. We get worked up over a situation in moments where we could have taken a breath. We’re human, our emotions sometimes get the better of us. It won’t be the first time or the last. A kind word doesn’t cost a thing yet we keep our words to ourselves most days.

Maybe we’re afraid we won’t get kindness in return. It seems to be a rare thing these days to see acts of kindness. To witness them firsthand. It doesn’t have to be a big act of kindness. It could be something small like holding the door for someone, buying a stranger a cup of coffee. There are a lot of things you can do to pay it forward. Even big changes require small steps to getting started.

My kind wish for you today is this:

May the road rise up to meet you

The sun shine warm on your face

May your troubles always be few

The steps you take be with grace


Oh my quad

Week four of eating like a rabbit and running like a cheetah. Well not a cheetah because those guys are like super fast and I run at more of chubby house cat pace.

So eating healthy can prove to be a challenge when the healthy stuff is getting recalled. Our local grocery store had a lettuce/salad mix recall because some salmonella was found. Yuck! Normally I have been packing a salad every day for lunch but that outbreak made me switch up my routine a little.

Despite the fact of giving in to my cravings once *cough* okay more than once, I stayed under my allowed calories every day this week. I’m still cycling every day but I’m looking to add some more exercise into the mix. Once I get my shoulder situated I plan on starting up weights again. Maybe I’ll do a squat challenge or something. Routines can be important to help you stick with something but it’s nice to mix it up a little too.

Weigh in this morning and I’ve lost 4.5 lbs now! That’s another pound and a half from last week. Stayed tuned