I miss a good nights sleep

So the other night I had a nightmare that I can barely remember. It made me bolt upright in bed and my heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest. I was also hyperventilating. My chest felt so heavy. Like there was this giant weight on it (anxiety maybe?) The weird part about that feeling though is after I managed to get back to sleep, I still had the same feeling the next morning. The heaviness in the chest not the hyperventilating.

I don’t know what the heck is going on lately. Usually when I sleep the most action you see is me changing positions. Every once in a while I might mumble a sentence or two. I’m starting to think maybe I should get a sleep study done.

Has anyone out there had one? Do you recommend it? What were some of the pros and cons when you had yours done? Please share if you feel comfortable. Any advice would really help

I miss my mattress

It’s not even 8 am and I want to take a nap. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve been having a lot more energy lately with working out and eating healthy. This morning though I feel like I hit a wall. An exhaustion wall. I’ve had coffee and the fog has yet to lift from my brain. Last week towards the end of the week I felt like I could tackle a bear. This morning the only thing I would have the energy to tackle is my mattress.

I feel like I’m struggling to pass myself off as human so far. I know I’ll be more functioning in about 15 minutes. It was definitely slow goings this AM.What are things you like to do to boost your energy level?

Update: I’ve had some more coffee….now I have a few jitters and want to run a few laps around my office building. Apparently I can’t find a happy medium between being tired and having enough energy to bounce higher than a kangaroo. Let’s go Tigger we can have a bouncing contest.

Mr. Sandman brings some crazy dreams

Topic of today: reoccurring dreams

Local radio topic today was about dreams, more specifically reoccurring ones. When I was younger I kept dreaming that I was being chased by a shadow figure up a spiral staircase. In the walls of the staircase there were little benches you could sit on (in case climbing stairs made you tired I guess). Right before the shadow would get close to catching me, I would hide under one of the benches and the shadow would keep running up the staircase. I would then run down the stairs trying to escape. I had this dream constantly for a couple months and then they just stopped. If a dream happens more than once it’s normally your subconscious dwelling on one thing or another.

Teeth falling out of your mouth usually relates to being anxious that you can’t control something. Someone chasing you normally means you’re trying to escape something. Here’s a link to the 58 most common dreams and their possible meanings:


Have you had any of these dreams?