Halloween 🎃 2018👻

Happy Halloween!!

Costumes, candy, tricks and treats. There’s so many things I just love about this day. I was unable to take my son trick or treating last night but my wonderful fiancé took him for me while I was working.

My son went as Ant-Man, he got a good haul of chocolate and had a lot of fun. My costume this year is a wolf costume. What are you dressing up as this year?

I said yes to the dress and found a lion in my living room, pretty normal weekend

So Friday night (the day before dress shopping) my anxiety brain produced a crazy wedding dream.  In my dream I was shopping with all of my bridesmaids, and they were all wearing wedding dresses but we couldn’t find one for me.

Saturday we went to the mall and I actually ended up saying yes to the dress! Not only that, but we ended up finding my bridesmaid dresses as well so it was a pretty great day.

Last night we carved our family pumpkins and watched the monster squad. I hope everybody else had a great weekend!

One year with a fox

Here I am one year later, writing my one year blog anniversary😁

I started writing a year ago,not really sure what I wanted to write about. I still have some days where I am not sure what direction I’ll be writing about when I first get going. Let’s have a look at my past year.

* I’ve written a lot of haikus and poetry

* I’ve shared a lot of recipes

* I got engaged to my best friend

* Went on a vacation to New York and knocked a bunch of things off my bucket list

* Shared lots of National days and random facts to help you all with the next time you play trivia😉

* I’ve shared my son’s school project s and a lot about our family life


thank you for taking time to read my ramblings💞💗💞💗

Does this dress make me look fat?

So I’m going to be looking at some dresses this weekend. I’m excited to spend some time with my friends and get the bridesmaid dresses as well. I originally had decided to go to David’s bridal that was nearby but after hearing about their financial situation(potentially going bankrupt) I decided to go a different direction.

If you’ve ever been dress shopping,what was your favorite part? Where did you go to shop?

Bench pressed

So I know that I haven’t talked about my  diet in a few weeks. I’m going to be 100% upfront about why that is. Over two weeks ago I put in my notice at a job I has for three and a half years. I was stressed and anxious about leaving a comfort zone, stressed about starting a new adventure. I fell back into bad eating habits, my sleep schedule went out the window and exercising was the last thing on my mind.

I ended up gaining back five pounds my last two weeks of the job. I lost my confidence and became frustrated by how badly I slipped into old habits. I decided with my new job I was going to start with a clean slate and new attitude. At my last job I had very little activity and sat at a desk for most of my day. With my new job however, I’m walking an average of six miles a day.

I’m feeling so much happier being this active. I’m less stressed because I’m not dealing with crazy people calling me and yelling at me. I feel like I made a great choice for my mental health and happiness. My diet is back on track and I’ve lost 4 pounds already. You can choose to diet but if your mindset isn’t involved and you’re unhappy in other areas it will probably not be very effective.

A diet can be good for your health but your mental health is just as important 😊

I see a little silhouetto of a man and he’s holding a mango

I know that’s not the accurate lyric, but I put my own twist on it for the purposes of this post. Speaking of mangoes, ladies and gents make sure you are getting your mangoes checked.

October is breast cancer awareness month. I’m sure a lot of you already know this and maybe even participate in raising funds for charity and things like that.  It’s one of those things you don’t think about until sometimes it can be too late. Both of my grandmothers had breast cancer. One of my grandmothers passed away from it.

Since I have this form of cancer on both sides of my family, you better believe that I am taking care of my mangoes  so to speak.  Breast cancer is not just found in women, it can also be found in men. So make sure you guys are out there getting yourself checked and staying healthy. Much love to you all.

I’m always cold

I’m just wondering do men have like actual lava flowing in their veins? They never ever seem to be cold and it’s ridiculous. This morning waking up it was only 35° and there were men outside wearing T-shirts! Freaking T-shirts!

For me as soon as the weather drops to like 50, I’m usually layering up and have multiple blankets if I’m sitting at home. I seriously have no idea why I freeze so much and yet the guys in my house will be wearing shorts and complaining about how they’re hot.

Am I the only one?

Hallow- thank- mas

So this week in Ohio, we have officially hit fall temperatures. This whole week we will be in the high 50s. It’s still a little too wet for me to think of it as fall with all the rain we’ve been having but we’re headed to the right area.

It’s hard to believe that Halloween is just basically two short weeks away and before you know it Christmas carols will be playing everywhere even though Thanksgiving hasn’t happened yet. Just yesterday we were at our local Kroger grocery store and they were already starting to set out Christmas decorations.

What is your favorite thing about the last three months of the year? Is it Halloween? Thanksgiving? Or Christmas?