English 101

Hands down favorite class in high school.

English, British Lit. If it had to do with reading I was signing up. Every single summer book challenge. Sign. Me. Up. I used to get in trouble for wanting to sit inside and read a book. Literally my dad would say “Rachel, put the book down and go outside, get some fresh air.”

I literally won the gift basket challenge at my local library at least three times. I loved reading, writing, poetry. I once had a poem published when I was in fourth grade. Don’t ask me what the book was called because I do not remember.

At one point in time I even wanted to be a teacher and have that be my subject. The universe put me on many more different paths however and it just never came to fruition. Cue dramatic sigh.

Morning in the life of a tornado chaser

It’s me, I’m the tornado chaser. The tornado in question is a mixture of my daily tasks, children, chores and whatnot.

Typical morning starts with:

04:30-wake up and pour a cup of coffee. Lately I’ve been getting up at three though not sure why. Start up my Spanish lessons via Duolingo and get my brain waking up

05:30-by this time one if not both toddlers are awake so I wake the bear of a teenager up and grab clothes for my middle child to wear and an outfit for my youngest and wake her up if she isn’t already

05:40-the toddlers like to help feed the cats in the morning so we head downstairs to the basement to satisfy the singing choir of felines and I usually rotate and/or start a load of laundry. If the dryer is done bring the clothes up to fold later

05:45- make breakfast for toddlers, get myself dressed and pack my lunch for work that day. Help teenager with putting away the dishes from night before.

06:10- by this time everyone is usually done eating so we take the dishes to the sink and get the toddlers dressed.

06:15- try to convince my daughter to let me brush and style her hair. Sometimes I’m successful

06:20-brush and style my own hair. Throw on makeup so I don’t look like the undead

06:30-start getting shoes on toddlers and loading up car to leave. Double check bag for sitters and fill up sippy cups for the road.

06:50-by this time kids are buckled up and all bags are in the car and we’re headed to the sitters house

07:05-drop off has been completed and we’re now on our way to work if I’m lucky I’m ahead of schedule and might be able to get breakfast on the way in. If I’m running behind breakfast is then a granola bar

Then I’m at work until 04:30 pm


Have you ever experienced a glitch in the matrix?

Like one minute your keys are on the counter, you go into the other room to grab your coat come back and your keys are no longer on the counter. So you double check where you hang them by the door and they aren’t there either. You go into your bedroom and they aren’t on top of your dresser either. Only to come back to the counter and your keys are sitting there the whole time and you find yourself wondering if you are crazy.

Added crazy factor is you were home alone the entire time so no one could’ve possibly moved them either. So either your home is haunted or there’s an invisible portal or it’s a matrix glitch. Is there any other explanation?

Please tell me that I’m not the only person who has stuff like this happen

Dia de los Muertos

It’s the day of the dead.

So paint your face up like a sugar skull and lets learn more about this holiday:

The Day of the Dead is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1 and 2, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed, and is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. (sourced by Wikipedia)

They celebrate by making creations of home altars to remember the dead, along with traditional dishes for the Day of the Dead

Done for the prayer and remembrance of friends and family members who have died

If you have not seen CoCo on Disney. Highly recommend if you want to learn even more.

Adios amigos