Santa’s Coming!

I’m not really ready for Christmas let alone for today. I got all my shopping done like yesterday, not weeks ago like I’d originally planned. Every year I swear I’m going to be ahead of the game and every year I’m behind. I need to get it together like a month ago haha.

I have so much wrapping to do. I’m literally going to shut myself in a room for probably like two whole hours just to get through it unless I become exhausted and then try to bag everything. Maybe I’ll turn it into a fun game with a bottle of wine but that could be dangerous haha

Are you ready? Got your shopping done? Wrapping done? T-minus five days and counting

Stuffed stuffing

So much stuffing

…my face that is LOL

Thanksgiving was crazy busy with a crazy amount of delicious food. How was everyone’s turkey day? I swear I *almost* forgot I had a job last night after enjoying a long holiday weekend.

Really did not want to get up even for coffee this morning. Back to the work grind and it’s been busy and chaotic because of shipping stuff, sales and hey all the computers slept for four days instead of the typical two


I’m not talking about the ones for band. I’m talking about big juicy turkey legs. I freaking miss turkey legs. My family hasn’t cooked a whole turkey in YEARS. We’ve done turkey breast or ham. I get it, stuff is expensive.

I’m debating on if I want to get my own turkey to do myself. However, our family is small so if I do a whole one I need to invite people or get creative with leftovers.

Thanksgiving used to be this giant ordeal when I was growing up. We would drive down to my grandma’s the night before and get up the next morning and start cooking, baking and prepping. Now I just make side dishes at my house and drive over to my mom’s.

What is your favorite side dish to have? If you made a turkey before please share tips ❤

Dia de los Muertos

It’s the day of the dead.

So paint your face up like a sugar skull and lets learn more about this holiday:

The Day of the Dead is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1 and 2, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed, and is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. (sourced by Wikipedia)

They celebrate by making creations of home altars to remember the dead, along with traditional dishes for the Day of the Dead

Done for the prayer and remembrance of friends and family members who have died

If you have not seen CoCo on Disney. Highly recommend if you want to learn even more.

Adios amigos


It’s Halloween!!! My favorite holiday and to celebrate I got a cold. Boo

Whenever the weather drastically changes from warm to cold I always end up with sinus issues and a cough or cold. I have all three it feels like. My head feels stuffy, my throat is sore, my voice is hoarse and when I cough it feels sharp.

Blech! I just want to sleep but I have no vacation because I had emergency surgery four weeks ago and ended up having to use everything I had. So from now until the end of the year if I miss any work I get pointed and potentially wrote up. Gotta love having that hang over your head


NBC could also stand for a channel on the television but in this particular case it stands for

Nightmare Before Christmas

It’s arguably one of my favorite Halloween and also Christmas movies (for kids). I was incredibly pumped that my four year old requested to watch it. Kids typically get stuck on one movie that they want to watch and then literally will ask for it again, and again and again. If you know you know

He seemed to enjoy the movie and I enjoyed watching something besides an old stand-by.

Costume parade

Halloween is right around the corner. It’s my absolute favorite holiday. What’s not to love? There will be pumpkin carving, candy, costumes and the leaves will be their beautiful fall colors.

My youngest is going as a scarecrow, my middle as a ninja turtle and my oldest got some steampunk goggles for the occasion. I will also be dressing up but haven’t one hundred percent decided on which costume I want to be wearing. I almost always have at least two or three choices.

My most memorable costume that comes to mind is when I dressed up as Medusa. I went so extra I painted snakes and put them in my hair. Close second is my McZombie costume I created for a zombie walk. I was basically a McDonald’s employee who became a zombie

What are your plans? What’s your most favorite costume you’ve ever worn or seen?

Thanksgiving 2019

Well if you’re here and reading this you survived stuffing yourself silly yesterday. Hopefully if you’re out shopping with the masses you’re staying safe. I made it through working yesterday and managed to spend just a little time with my family before having to go home.

I’d thought I’d share a few cute cartoons I came across for Thanksgiving

See the source image

See the source image

See the source image

I hope you all had a very wonderful holiday


Happy Gobble Day!

It’s early Thanksgiving morning here in Ohio and on my way to work I literally passed one car. Which in itself is very rare.

My nine year old asked last night why someone said “gobble ’til you wobble”. We told him it’s just an expression that people use during this time to talk about how you eat so much food you might wobble around after the meal. Without missing a beat he said “Mommy you already have the wobbling part down”. Isn’t he just the sweetest little turd? Haha


Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving folks

Be safe out there turkeys

I really hope you don’t absolutely need to go to the store today. The talk show hosts were saying today is supposed to be the day everyone is running to the store for something they forgot for their Thanksgiving meal so it’s going to be a madhouse.

Speaking of madhouses…do you participate in Black Friday shopping? Like the crack ass of dawn, people pushing, sorry that was the last (insert popular item here)  that we had in the whole entire store. I’ve never done the stupid early shopping but I have gone out later in the day and still gotten some pretty great deals.

Anymore I think I like the ease of online shopping. No ridiculous lines or rude people to deal with. What kind of deals are you shopping for this holiday? Whatever you are out and about doing make sure you’re safe because everyone else is just worried about saving a buck at all costs