Dia de los Muertos

It’s the day of the dead.

So paint your face up like a sugar skull and lets learn more about this holiday:

The Day of the Dead is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1 and 2, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed, and is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. (sourced by Wikipedia)

They celebrate by making creations of home altars to remember the dead, along with traditional dishes for the Day of the Dead

Done for the prayer and remembrance of friends and family members who have died

If you have not seen CoCo on Disney. Highly recommend if you want to learn even more.

Adios amigos

You could always end up in jail

At least if you’re playing Monopoly!

Today is national play Monopoly day, so if you’re passing Go make sure you get your $2 and buy up as much property as possible. Let’s talk a stroll around the board as we learn a little bit more about the famous game.

  • Monopoly was originally based on a board game designed by Elizabeth Magie in 1902.
  • Monopoly comes in numerous versions (Cat, Dog, Famous movie, Video Game themes)
  • The game has been played by an estimated 5 million people since 1935.

In our house we have the original version and a Mario version that we play with my son. If you own anything other than the original what do you own?

How long do games last in your house? What’s your favorite go to piece to play?

Fried ring of nirvana

Today is apparently national donut day

If you are in need of a fried pick-me-up then that’s perfect! Locally there are a few places that people will argue have the best donuts around. Some people might get a little serious about what place has the better donuts.

There’s Jim’s donuts in Vandalia. To put into perspective I live a good 35 minutes away from this place and have drove there just to get donuts. Bonus they are open 24 hours.

Then there’s Duck’s Donuts which are like gourmet dreams you didn’t think could possibly be a reality.

Do you have a favorite?

Butter on a biscuit

It’s National Buttermilk Biscuit day!

Cover it with butter. Smother it with gravy. Serve it on the side with some Chicken Pot Pie. Here’s some interesting things you may or may not know about this delicious bread item:

  • Biscuits are made using baking powder or baking soda as a leavening agent rather than yeast
  • A typical buttermilk biscuit recipe contains flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, butter, and buttermilk.
  • Before the American Civil War, biscuits emerged as an inexpensive addition to meals.
  • Alexander P. Ashbourne patented the first biscuit cutter in 1875
  • In 1931, Ballard and Ballard patented refrigerator biscuits.

What’s your favorite way to enjoy the biscuit?

Why are there bubbles in my tea?

Today is National Bubble Tea day. So what the heck is bubble tea anyways? I just found out this was a thing today so let’s learn together.

What is it?

In the 1980s, the Taiwanese developed a beverage combining the refreshing goodness of tea, the wholesome creaminess of milk and the fun, delicious surprise of bubbles. The bubbles, also known as boba or pearls, are made from tapioca. The tea can be created with or without milk, ice, sugar, and toppings.

If you want to learn even more about it, there’s a Wikipedia page as well:


Anyone know if you can find this in the states to try? It certainly looks interesting


Take a hike, or a walk if you prefer

I haven’t done one of these in FOREVER so forgive me if I’m rusty.

Today is national take a walk day. Sometimes I fantasize about taking a walk right out of this building and just leaving for the day. Alas, this lady has bills to pay haha. Walking is a great way to get just a little bit of exercise. I walk approximately 7 miles each day. How much do you walk?

I decided to write a little haiku about walking.


One foot in front of

The other. Repeating this

Will create your pace

No more rhyming and I mean it

If anyone gets these references we can be friends 🙂

Today is national peanut day. Here’s a little bit more about this nutty day:

  • They grow underground like potatoes (I wouldn’t stick them in a stew however)
  • This legume is not a nut (poor name choice perhaps)
  •  Dr. George Washington Carver published his research “How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it for Human Consumption” in 1916 (that’s a lot of things to do with a peanut)
  • The famous peanut wearing a monocle is the highest paid bean in the industry (most likely anyways, he wear a top hat those are not cheap!

Grab a delicious bean or some PB and go celebrate the day

Should I stay or should I Eggo

It’s National Waffle Day. Waffles are the better version of pancakes because they work hard for their abs. Here’s some facts to fill up those squares:

  • The first United States patent for a waffle iron was issued to Cornelius Swarthout of Troy, New York on August 24, 1869. (My favorite breakfast genius)
  • Waffle irons and waffles originated around the 14th century
  • 1911 – First electric waffle iron introduced by General Electric.
  • 1953 – Frank Dorsa’s Eggo Frozen Waffles are sold in Supermarkets for the first time. (Leggo my Eggo)
  • 1964 – Belgian Waffles debut at New York’s World’s Fair (I should’ve been there)

Butter it up add some syrup and go enjoy this day

Greenback George

The very first president with wooden teeth and a knack chopping down cherry trees has his face on every dollar bill except the first one. It’s National Dollar Day, and you should have at least one of these bills in your wallet to go and celebrate.

  • The first U.S. dollar bill wasn’t printed until 1862, and it didn’t bear the image of George Washington, either.  Salmon P. Chase, President Lincoln’s Secretary of Treasury, was featured on the first greenback.

There are very few things out there that cost just a dollar. Unless you are shopping at the Dollar Tree. Everything in that place is $1 or under. What is the last thing you bought for just one dollar?


Spin it right round

Don’t get dizzy while celebrating today. National merry-go-round day will have you going in circles. Here’s some facts to leave you spinning:

  • The merry-go-round is an amusement ride that consists of a rotating circular platform with seats on it for its riders.
  • Seats are traditionally in rows and are made up of wooden horses or other animals mounted on posts. (I always wanted to ride anything but the horse)
  • Any rotating platform may also be called a merry-go-round
  • The earliest known depiction of the merry-go-round is in 500 A.D. in the Byzantine Empire, which depicts baskets, carrying riders, suspended from a central pole.
  • In the 1840s, Franz Wiesenoffer created the first merry-go-round in the United States in Hessville, Ohio.

You are all excused from work to go find the nearest playground to celebrate this holiday.

Image result for merry-go-round