I miss my mattress

It’s not even 8 am and I want to take a nap. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve been having a lot more energy lately with working out and eating healthy. This morning though I feel like I hit a wall. An exhaustion wall. I’ve had coffee and the fog has yet to lift from my brain. Last week towards the end of the week I felt like I could tackle a bear. This morning the only thing I would have the energy to tackle is my mattress.

I feel like I’m struggling to pass myself off as human so far. I know I’ll be more functioning in about 15 minutes. It was definitely slow goings this AM.What are things you like to do to boost your energy level?

Update: I’ve had some more coffee….now I have a few jitters and want to run a few laps around my office building. Apparently I can’t find a happy medium between being tired and having enough energy to bounce higher than a kangaroo. Let’s go Tigger we can have a bouncing contest.

Like it a latte

via Daily Prompt: Froth

Froth brings a couple of things to mind. Angry frothing of the mouth and the delicate froth on top of a latte. I decided to focus on the lighter thing that came to mind. I wish I could make the fancy pictures that other people can. Like the picture I found online for this post is awesome. I wrote a little haiku about the bubbles.


Tiny bubbles

On top of coffee

Layer of tiny bubbles

Something to sip on