The dirty dozen

As in I’ve lost twelve whole pounds now!!!

I was started to feel somewhat discouraged again because I seemed to be stuck between losing ten to eleven pounds. I stayed on course however and now I’m even closer to my goal of losing fifteen total pounds.

Hard work can really pay off, if you find something that works for you stick with it. Don’t give up if you get a little stuck in one area. You can always tweak it to better suit your weight loss plan. Whether it’s the diet that may need tweaking, or maybe you need to find a workout you can be more passionate about doing something is better than moping about that you’ll never lose the weight you want to. Be kinder to yourself.

Staircase to eleven

I haven’t weighed myself in about a week or so. Between getting sick with no appetite and then wanting to eat everything once I felt better I figured I’d cut myself a break.

My diet is doing well, I feel like I’ve found something that works well for me. Small meal in the morning, light lunch and smaller portions at dinner. I’ve been walking the staircase up and down. By that I mean I’m almost down eleven pounds now. My focus is still making healthier choices.

Feeling better for myself. Stay tuned 😊

Solve for X

In this case X equals ten. As in I’ve lost ten pounds now!!! I’m still a work in progress. I’m working on my diet and exercise. I’m getting cravings for sweet under control. I’m working on toning up.

I’m trying to eat healthier foods as well as snacks. I’ve hit the small part of my goal and I’m working towards the full goal of losing a total of 15.

A cat has this many lives

What is nine? If you got that answer correct, it’s also the number of pounds I’ve lost! That’s right nine pounds down now.

I’m walking an average of 8.2 miles every day I work. I’m cutting back portion sizes. I’m still working on drinking more water. I’m doing better at not giving in to my sweet tooth as well. I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress.

I started wanting to lose a little weight and it’s developing into me being healthier. Me making goals and reaching them. Slowly maybe but I’m working hard at it.

Cloud 8

It’s just below and to the left of cloud 9. Christmas carbs are hard. The temptation is constantly in your face to eat the things not in your diet plan. Like the box of gourmet chocolates your future father in law gave you for one of your presents. (Yeah I’m looking at you Bradley). I had some really good moments of the holidays as well as moments where I ate way too much.

I’m very proud to say not only did I lose the weight I gained during the holidays, I actually lost an extra two pounds. Which brings my total weight loss to 8 pounds!!! I am so determined to keep up my hard work and reach my goal of losing a total 10-15 pounds. I have two more pounds to reach the low end of my goal and seven to reach the high end of my goal. Stay tuned

Sleigh-ing my workout

Holidays are so freaking hard for a diet. A lady at work made homemade buckeyes. I can NOT pass those up. Pretty positive that if a treat is made with love like that the calories don’t count😉


I’m doing pretty well being back on my diet track. I’m back to having lost a total of 7.5 pounds. I’ve been working hard at it too. Here’s what my week has looked like:

Monday – walked 8.2 miles

Tuesday – walked 8.6 miles

Wednesday – walked 2 miles, lifted weights for an hour & cycled 30 min

Thursday -walked 6.7 miles

Today (Friday)- walked 7 miles

I have been making an effort on eating healthier choices as well as avoiding my sweet tooth more often.I’ve still got work to do to reach my goal. Stay tuned😊


Is butter a carb?

Yes Regina George it is. Who doesn’t like butter?  It’s good on popcorn, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, etc.

My diet has been going pretty well. I’m sticking to eating lighter and skipping out things like extra sugar and butter. I am very happy to share with you that I have lost 7 1/2 pounds now!

This is the farthest I’ve ever gotten with any diet. I  usually lose about 5 pounds and it seems like I can’t lose anymore. So whatever I’m doing must be working so I’m just gonna keep at it so I can hit my goal of losing a total of 15 pounds. Stay tune everybody.

Exercise, I thought you said extra fries

Happy Friday everybody! I hope your week has been going very well for you when you had nothing but good times and no stresses. This morning on my way to take my son to school my car wouldn’t start. I thought about trying to kick it, and figured that might not be the best idea because I’d probably end up breaking my toe.

I ended up getting a jumpstart so I could get on with the rest of my day. Anyways, talking about my diet again this week. I’ve been walking my butt off lately at this new job. I’m one month in and I’m walking an average of at least 6 miles a day. The last three days I’ve put in 8 miles each day at the hospital so take that Eminem!

So I’ve officially lost a total of 6 pounds. So I’m back to my previous weight loss that I had before I kind of fell off the diet train so to speak. Feeling pretty happy with my results so far. Definitely feeling more confide by about my goal  and working in a better environment

Bench pressed

So I know that I haven’t talked about my  diet in a few weeks. I’m going to be 100% upfront about why that is. Over two weeks ago I put in my notice at a job I has for three and a half years. I was stressed and anxious about leaving a comfort zone, stressed about starting a new adventure. I fell back into bad eating habits, my sleep schedule went out the window and exercising was the last thing on my mind.

I ended up gaining back five pounds my last two weeks of the job. I lost my confidence and became frustrated by how badly I slipped into old habits. I decided with my new job I was going to start with a clean slate and new attitude. At my last job I had very little activity and sat at a desk for most of my day. With my new job however, I’m walking an average of six miles a day.

I’m feeling so much happier being this active. I’m less stressed because I’m not dealing with crazy people calling me and yelling at me. I feel like I made a great choice for my mental health and happiness. My diet is back on track and I’ve lost 4 pounds already. You can choose to diet but if your mindset isn’t involved and you’re unhappy in other areas it will probably not be very effective.

A diet can be good for your health but your mental health is just as important 😊

T-Rex hates a push up…funny so do I

I’m awful with push-ups because I broke my arm right at my elbow and still have issues with the push up movement. I’ve be cleared to start lifting weights again so I’ll be adding arm exercises into my workout routine. Paired with my cycling I’m hoping to start to slim down a little easier.

It’s week ten of this diet and I feel like I’m going to need to reassess my eating habits or something. I make healthy choices constantly but I need to examine what I can cut back on to keep making good choices. Bread and pasta come to mind. I LOVE pasta. I’m pretty sure my heart is actually Italian because I want pasta pretty much anytime.

So I’m looking at pasta substitutes and I’m going to start cutting a lot of bread/pasta out of my diet to see how I handle that (my Italian heart is crying). I know I can still enjoy eating I just need to figure out what I can eat and still be healthy while enjoying what I’m eating. Being in a diet is definitely teaching me about how to balance the lifestyle.

Weekly weigh in update: down another 1/2 pound. So total lost so far has been 6.5 pounds overall. Total overall goal is 15 pounds.  Stay tuned.