Roses on a wristwatch

For some reason time is on my mind this morning. I dreamed about ticking clocks last night. Great big ones that all had different times on them. Some were still ticking, some had stopped. I wrote a poem about it

Roses on a wristwatch

Sixty seconds around the clock

Moments are passing by

Tick tock, tick tock

Moments to laugh, moments to cry

We say if flew or that the day is too long

We wish for more of it

We always need more when something is wrong

What you’ve been given is all you will get



Mother nature played the ultimate April Fools Day joke

Mother Nature is a tricky woman. She can change her mind about what type of weather she wants you to have at the drop of a hat. I like to think when she’s happy is when spring actually begins and things start blooming. The last two days of March the weather had started to warm up. It was beginning to finally look like spring was starting. Then Mother Nature was like “April fools everybody!!! Have some snow!!!” It was literally in the high 50’s the night before. My theory is that she and Father Time got into some kind of argument and he upset her and we got snow as a result of their argument.

I bet they argued about what time spring should start. Father Time probably said something along the lines of “Dearest Mother don’t you think it might be time to start warming up for the flowers to start blooming?” Then Mother Nature was like “Actually I think it’s time to play a practical joke and bring snow back” Father Time said it didn’t sound funny. Mother Nature got upset and gave snow to us anyway to prove the point that she can do what she wants to.


No time to say Hello, Goodbye

via Daily Prompt: Tardy

For today’s prompt of tardy the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland comes to mind. He’s always very very late for an important date despite having a pocket watch. I wrote a haiku about it

Pocket Watch

Oh Dear I am late

Very late I must make haste

Running very late