What happens when you mix snow and Thor?

You get thunder snow ❄. True to Ohio wacky weather we had a snowstorm complete with thunder and lighting. I have always loved listening to storms. There is something weird about seeing lighting while snow is falling at a very quick rate. We ended up with about five inches of snow. Three hours it was raining, I think the groundhog was wrong about spring being early.

Mother nature played the ultimate April Fools Day joke

Mother Nature is a tricky woman. She can change her mind about what type of weather she wants you to have at the drop of a hat. I like to think when she’s happy is when spring actually begins and things start blooming. The last two days of March the weather had started to warm up. It was beginning to finally look like spring was starting. Then Mother Nature was like “April fools everybody!!! Have some snow!!!” It was literally in the high 50’s the night before. My theory is that she and Father Time got into some kind of argument and he upset her and we got snow as a result of their argument.

I bet they argued about what time spring should start. Father Time probably said something along the lines of “Dearest Mother don’t you think it might be time to start warming up for the flowers to start blooming?” Then Mother Nature was like “Actually I think it’s time to play a practical joke and bring snow back” Father Time said it didn’t sound funny. Mother Nature got upset and gave snow to us anyway to prove the point that she can do what she wants to.


Don’t shake the snowglobe

My kid has these projects every month that are a big portion of his grade. His last project I wrote about was Gumdrops. 

So I slacked and forgot to write about what he had to do in December. He had to create a Christmas present for a family member. Karter decided he wanted to make a snowglobe for my brother.

We ended up with a winter scene in a jar because the water thing just wasn’t going to work. Also my brother is not allowed to shake the globe because the trees don’t want to stay upright. For a first grade project he did pretty good. this month we have to make something that moves. Stay tuned for those details.


PS I couldn’t get our project picture to load so I found the closest thing on google


Wrap it up

In less than one week 2017 will be officially over. We hit our first negative temperature this winter. It was -2 degrees this morning when I went to start my car for work. Even my car wasn’t ready to come back from our short Christmas holiday break. The Friday beginning of my break I got together with my friends from the UK and we all went to the movie theater together and spent some time hanging out, it was great. Saturday I had choir practice and baking.

Sunday I performed in twice and could feel people watching me sweat. I thought I would open my mouth to sing and croak like a frog but that didn’t happen either. Yesterday we spent  a lazy morning around the house, went to deliver cookies and then saw  The Last Jedi (btw it was awesome!!) Getting out of my warm burrito this morning was rough but I did enjoy my long weekend. I hope everyone else had a merry holiday as well.

Ya filthy animal

Hello everyone. I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas!! Happy holidays, I hope everyone is enjoying their day. It was a white Christmas for us. We got almost an inch of snow. I am very thankful to get to spend some time with my family. I performed in the Christmas choir show and didn’t pass out.

Heading into the new year I’m very very grateful. There were  a few rough parts but I grew so much as a person. I experienced many new things and made lots of great memories. Here’s a to a another great year on the horizon