I do not want a hippopotamus for Christmas

It would destroy my house and probably  eat me. I’ve seen Jumanji.

I’ve been slacking on writing lately. I need to do better. So here’s what’s been going on this month so far:

I leveled up on December 1st.

I finally booked a DJ for my wedding. I also realized  I have under 180 days until I get married!!!

I’m getting used to my newest work schedule that will hopefully not change again. I’m also gaining a new title  with a potential raise,  I will find out more sometime next week.

I’ve only got half of my holiday shopping done. I don’t feel like I’m behind though.

My tree is up and our elf Muggins is roaming around the house again.

That’s it for now, I’ll try to be better with writing.

Author: hallowfox

My name is Rachel and I have a chocolate addiction yet smell like cheesecake. I’m not usually one that fits into any particular shape or mold. I’m a mother, animal lover (I might be obsessed with foxes) My hair has it's own personality and my fair complexion along with face sprinkles point to an Irish heritage. *all pictures are from google searches unless indicated otherwise.

3 thoughts on “I do not want a hippopotamus for Christmas”

  1. IIRC, the whole reason for the “hippopotamus for Christmas” song was because the Oklahoma City zoo wanted to raise money to buy a new hippo. So they made the song, sold little singles on vinyl and poof. Instant hippo money and one of the worst Christmas classics you never want to hear but usually do at least a dozen times.

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