Cat naps and puppy kisses

For my day off I was at least semi productive. I definitely could have done more around the house or organized some more.

Things I did today included:

~ pet a puppy

~ played with my baby

~ took a walk

~ got groceries

~ took a nap

At first I had some major guilt over not cleaning as much as I could and taking a longer nap. Taking time to take care of myself (even if it’s just a nap) doesn’t make me less of a house keeper or less of a mom.  It gives me a chance to recharge and tackle things.

Hope you all had a great Monday

I’m running in circles

At least that’s what it feels like lol

I made it through my first day back at work yesterday. The day itself didn’t feel too bad. I obviously missed my new baby like crazy. When I got home I may have been a little bit more of a hot mess. Hormones are rough.

My husband has been absolutely amazing with everything though. He gets up with Isaac just like I do, changes diapers, gives me “me” time. Yesterday when I was being a spicy disaster in my kitchen he just hugged me and told me that we would get though it together. I’m so blessed to have him in my life. I have to work the next three days so I’m hoping they go quickly and smoothly.

Everyone have a great day

New Year #NewGoals

I know it’s cliche to write about what you went through, discovered about yourself in a years time but I find myself reflecting on some of the things that happened this year anyways. Reminiscing on the good times, the hard times, etc.

It’s a big joke to some talking about seeing 20/20 with this year but maybe we all need to look at future things with a clearer head, clearer vision.

In all honesty I never imagined I would be here with this many blessings. I got to marry my best friend this year. We’ve made some pretty amazing memories. We found out we were expecting. My son had to change schools but managed to keep his grades up and excel. We ended up purchasing a brand new vehicle which I’ve never been able to do in my life! At the end of the year we got to welcome our newest member of the family (another beautiful baby boy). There have obviously been some struggles but I’m focusing on the best parts.

Moving forward with this year I really want to continue focusing on the best parts. I want to continue to work on me, being the best version of me. I want to set some new goals. Challenge myself.

It’s almost the end

Of the year as we know it hahaha. Had you going there for a split second maybe?

We are basically in the last six weeks of the year. As usual it feels like it is flying by to me. Like I blinked in October and suddenly here we are somehow towards the end of November.

Turkey day is literally next freaking week already! Speaking of Thanksgiving, while I am incredibly grateful to have a job…I am also incredibly bummed that I will be missing out on family time due to having to work. I will be working seven days straight. Bummer.

Just a friendly reminder that not all of us get to be celebrating the holidays with our families if we work in positions at the hospital, retail or any other job that remains open on a holiday. So be extra thankful if you get that time with your own family. Be nice to those of us who might be helping you with your black Friday deal or taking care of your needs and/or family while missing out on spending some time with our own.


I do not want a hippopotamus for Christmas

It would destroy my house and probably  eat me. I’ve seen Jumanji.

I’ve been slacking on writing lately. I need to do better. So here’s what’s been going on this month so far:

I leveled up on December 1st.

I finally booked a DJ for my wedding. I also realized  I have under 180 days until I get married!!!

I’m getting used to my newest work schedule that will hopefully not change again. I’m also gaining a new title  with a potential raise,  I will find out more sometime next week.

I’ve only got half of my holiday shopping done. I don’t feel like I’m behind though.

My tree is up and our elf Muggins is roaming around the house again.

That’s it for now, I’ll try to be better with writing.

You better be leaf it!

That’s pun was horrible, or hilarious your choice 🙂

How is it that we already have just one more week of September? I feel like I blinked and it was the end of the month already. Which if I’m honest I’m more than ready for October and the leaves changing. Hands down probably one of my favorite months. Chocolate sales and fall colors are what I live for haha.

So here’s some comics/memes about fall that I absolutely love:

Image result for funny fall memes

Spoiler alert I don’t like pumpkin spice lattes. Or consider myself a suburban girl.

Image result for fall memes

When I walk down the streets this is what I’ll see orange and yellow leaves all surrounding me. Weird Al should seriously do a parody I give him permission to use that last lyric.

Related image

What are some of your favorite things about fall?

Willy Nilly

I’m being wildy unproductive today and I can’t seem to get myself in the mood to do things. I didn’t have to work today and instead of being inspired to clean I’ve been relaxing.

I don’t think I have just done nothing in a while so I’m enjoying my small moment. My fat cat pumpkin is next to me. If you get a moment for yourself how do you like to relax?

PS That picture is really my cat not from the internet, and also our beer stein collection

Life has it’s own checklist

Sometimes you go into the weekend having all kinds of plans to get a bunch of things done and accomplished. Might have been me over the weekend. I got some of the planned things done and also managed to get some unplanned things taken care of too. This is what my list looked like:


  1. Go to our friends fishing derby(planned)- Check. Karter caught three fish, I caught two and Ben caught one
  2. Get my hair cut(planned)- this did not happen. We were busy having fun at the derby
  3. Took a nap (unplanned)- Totally happened. Like I slept so hard I drooled a little
  4. Saturday night mass (planned)- Check. Ben ushered so we were making this happen for sure
  5. Go to Hobby Lobby to find picture prop (planned)- this happened and didn’t happen at the same time. We went to Hobby Lobby. However, I couldn’t find what I wanted and kept getting distracted by potential future crafts.
  6. Change our wedding date (planned)- this technically happened on Friday. We emailed our new date and anxiously awaited our new contract to sign
  7. Texas Roadhouse dinner (planned)- Check. I ate a little too much but it was worth it


  1. Work on our New York scrapbook (planned)- didn’t get around to doing it.
  2. Canning pickles (unplanned) – technically we had the cucumbers but our afternoon turned into a canning session
  3. Nap time (unplanned)- totally happened again. I feel like this is some kind of record. I usually don’t get the chance to nap on weekends. We’re normally getting stuff done
  4. Engagement photos (planned)- Did not happen. Mother Nature decided that this weekend did not work in her incredibly busy schedule
  5. Family movie night (planned)- Check. We usually spend Sunday night together as a family watching a movie.
  6. Eating four slices of pizza (unplanned)- I started with just two, I’m not sure how that went wrong so quickly.
  7. Sign our new contract (planned)- I’m so happy to say this got done. We finally have a date. Booked our church, booked our venue. We only need to figure out which pastor will be available that date now.


Little bit about this fox

There’s a little quiz that’s been going around on Facebook among my friends so I decided to fill one out and share with you all. I gave very realistic  answers.

  • First job – Ice Cream Hussler
    Dream job – being a Mermaid
  • Astrological – Firenze from Harry Potter
    Birthday – First day of the last month
    Favorite pizza – whatever the sewer turtles are serving
    Favorite foot attire – bare naked or flats
    Favorite roller coaster – Mystic Timbers
    Favorite candy – The pieces of Reeses
    Favorite ice cream – Any kind that makes you scream
    Pet peeves – I’m pretty sure kitty hates flies in the house, it’s his biggest peeve
    Listening to right now – iHeart radio
    Color of your vehicle – Black Betty
    Favorite Holiday – Halloween
    Night owl, morning person – Majestically awkward flamingo
    Favorite day of the week – Friday at exactly 4:59 PM
    Tattoos – four
    Piercings – ears
    Like to cook? – I like to eat so yes
    Beer or wine? – one maybe two 
    glasses wine
    Favorite color – Green
    Do you like vegetables? – No I planted my garden for fun 😉
    Do you wear glasses? When necessary
    Favorite season – Fall 



PS The artwork is from

Which illustrates very relatable drawings of how I think my organs might talk to one another.


Break in the basement

So we have a crack in our foundation. It’s probably from the kitty fight club I’m not supposed to know about. It’s not a big crack but the basement does get some water in it when it rains. With the recent downpours and minor flooding we’ve experienced we decided to get a quote on how much it would cost to fix.

Option One cost $9.900 something bucks and didn’t even really fix the problem but makes it better. I’m not really sure how that works because that seems like a lot of money without the problem getting corrected.

Option Two Cost $4.990 and they basically are going to create a tunnel around our basement border that will take all the water straight to our sump pump. Also with option to we will be able to get anchors installed at a later date to fix the foundation problem. Option Two for the win.

Adulting is expensive. At least we know what needs to happen to fix the problem now.