I’m running in circles

At least that’s what it feels like lol

I made it through my first day back at work yesterday. The day itself didn’t feel too bad. I obviously missed my new baby like crazy. When I got home I may have been a little bit more of a hot mess. Hormones are rough.

My husband has been absolutely amazing with everything though. He gets up with Isaac just like I do, changes diapers, gives me “me” time. Yesterday when I was being a spicy disaster in my kitchen he just hugged me and told me that we would get though it together. I’m so blessed to have him in my life. I have to work the next three days so I’m hoping they go quickly and smoothly.

Everyone have a great day

Author: hallowfox

My name is Rachel and I have a chocolate addiction yet smell like cheesecake. I’m not usually one that fits into any particular shape or mold. I’m a mother, animal lover (I might be obsessed with foxes) My hair has it's own personality and my fair complexion along with face sprinkles point to an Irish heritage. *all pictures are from google searches unless indicated otherwise.

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